The effects of Kambo can vary widely amongst participants and even differ between sessions within the same individual. Many consider Kambo to be a holistic intervention as it can effect the mind, body and spirit of the recipient. Kambo is often used to alleviate various disease symptoms and improve overall health.
Medicine for the mind, body and soul
Kambo has been reported by many to improve mood, increase energy, enhance the immune system, reduce pain, combat infections, improve digestion, decrease anxiety and more. Kambo is also said to have significant psychological and spiritual benefits with users reporting increased mental and emotional clarity, courage to make difficult decisions, healing from past trauma, and a sense of peace and wellbeing. For many who has exhausted conventional treatment options, Kambo offers significant relief from physical and emotional afflictions.
Pay now, gain later.
It’s important to distinguish the acute effects of Kambo from the after-effects of Kambo. The actual process of doing Kambo can be quite intense and uncomfortable. Physiological sensations such as beating hard, sweating, heat flushing, dizziness and face swelling are often a part of the active Kambo experience. The benefits mostly however, mainly come as after-effects once the experience is over.
Long term effects and safety
Because Kambo is very understudied, it’s unclear what the long-term effects or benefits are from doing Kambo. Traditionally, many tribes use it consistently without obvious issue. Some tribes do limit their use to 12 times per year. It’s unclear what this is based off of. Even though we only have the slightest idea what Kambo does to the body, hundreds of thousands of people have safely received Kambo around the world without issue.