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Kambo is not an illegal substance in most parts of the world. It is also generally not used for recreational purposes given the unpleasantness of the experience. There have been no reports of abuse or dependency with Kambo.

Kambo may be considered a drug in the medical context, as the peptides contained in Kambo appear to have observable medical benefits. While many tout the healing effects of Kambo, it is still not an FDA-approved drug, and lacks clinical research to substantiate any claims of medicinal effect.

Does Kambo make you hallucinate?

Kambo is not considered a hallucinogenic substance. Often times Kambo can be confused with “Bufo” or “toad medicine” which contains the powerful psychedelic molecule, 5-Meo-DMT. Kambo does not contain any psychedelic compounds or properties. The composition of the Kambo secretions is largely made up of peptides, which differ from psychedelic compounds such as tryptamines, phenylethylamines and amphetamines.

Is Kambo psychoactive?

Kambo does not contain any compounds that are considered psychedelic or state-altering. In a 2021 study, one research group administered the Altered States of Consciousness questionnaire as well as the Mystical Experience Scale to those who had previously experienced a Kambo session. Results of the study illustrated that the Kambo experience did not produce what could be classified as a mystical experience or altered state of consciousness.

Is it possible to be addicted to Kambo?

There are currently no reports of anyone abusing Kambo in an addictive manner. In scientific studies, no one reported that they use Kambo for recreational purposes either. Even though Kambo does contain opioid peptides, the activity and quantity of the peptides does not appear to produce dependency or withdrawals like typical opiate drugs.

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